Associate Degree in Management Sciences (ADMS)

Program Description

The Associate Degree (AD) is intended to bridge the gap between industry demands and labor market. This program carefully developed the market-driven curriculum that allows the students to master industry-specific skills and information that will help them to achieve academic and professional goals. AD is intended to help students improve their communication, interpersonal, and occupational skills. Accounting, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, management, marketing, and statistics are among the major topics covered in this program.  

ADP opens up new opportunities for a more successful job path. This adaptable and fast-paced degree allows the students to complete a meaningful degree in only four semesters. This program is designed to provide students with real-world experience and the practical skills needed to flourish in their chosen industries through experiential learning, internships, and industry relations. Recognizing the many educational goals of students, Associate Degree provide easy credit transfer to four-year degree programs, allowing students to continue their study if they so choose.

Career Prospects

Associate degree program offers a variety of career prospects across different fields and industries. This program is typically designed to provide students with practical skills and knowledge that can lead to entry-level positions or prepare them for further education. The specific career prospects for an associate degree holder depend on the field of study and specialization. This program offers the best career paths for long-term employment, satisfaction, financial rewards and even international level recognition of qualifications and opportunities to work abroad. Our business graduates are placed in different industries ranging from banking, telecom, beverages, education, manufacturing and services, both in national and multinational firms. Our graduates are capable to create successful business ideas with an ability to put them into reality, within budgetary and other constraints. They can understand and implement the management models, theories and concepts in competitive corporate world. Many of them are running their own businesses successfully and contributing in enhancement of the regional and national economy.

Program Objectives

Associate degree programs typically have a range of objectives designed to provide students with a well-rounded education and prepare them for various career paths or further academic pursuits. These objectives can vary depending on the specific program and institution, but here are some common objectives of associate degree programs: 

Foundational Education: To provide students with a solid foundation in general education subjects such as mathematics, science, humanities, and social sciences. This ensures that students develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills. 

Career Preparation: To prepare students for entry-level positions in specific fields or industries. Associate degree programs often focus on practical skills and knowledge relevant to the chosen career path. 

Transferability: Many associate degree programs are designed to facilitate seamless transfer to a four-year bachelor’s degree program. They ensure that students complete general education requirements that can be transferred to a four-year institution. 

Skill Development: To develop specific skills and competencies that are directly applicable to the chosen field, including hands-on experience and practical training. 

Personal and Professional Development: To foster personal growth and professional development, including teamwork, communication, time management, and ethical decisionmaking. 

Cultural and Global Awareness: To promote an understanding of cultural diversity and global issues, preparing students for a world that is increasingly interconnected. 

Community Engagement: Encourage students to engage with their local communities through service learning, internships, or cooperative education experiences. 

Career Advancement: For individuals who are already employed, associate degree programs can provide opportunities for career advancement or a change in career direction. 

Economic Mobility: To improve economic mobility by providing access to higher education and better job opportunities for a diverse range of students.

Admissions and Eligibility Criteria

The University welcomes applications from students who have successfully completed up to Grade 12 schooling with minimum of 45% score. The more specific criteria follow:
  • FSC (Pre-Engineering / Pre-Medical)
  • Intermediate with Arts or General Science or Commerce
  • Advanced Levels (A Levels)
  • Any other equivalent grade 12 degree approved by the Ministry of Education.
Admissions Criteria: Admission will be based upon the previous academic performance

Program Structure

Duration:  2 years; 4 Semester, Total:  66 Credit Hours 


No. of Courses 

Credit Hours 

General Education Courses 



Major / Discipline-Specific Courses 



Field Experience / Internship 



Program Credit Hours 
